
global division中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Since 2002 , china has witnessed rapid growth in urbanization , industrialization and consumption , while actively participating in global division of labor , zheng said
  • " the ets is committed to ensuring that everyone in china who wishes to take the test gets the chance to do so , " ets ' s global division senior vice - president paul ramsey said
    美国教育考试服务中心国际部高级副总裁鲍尔?拉姆齐说: “为了确保中国考区每个希望参加考试的人都能得到报考的机会,我们一直在努力。 ”
  • It is still unclear what beijing can do to trim the surplus , which is mainly the result of the global division of labor , said jin xu , deputy head of the american and oceanian affairs department of the ministry of commerce
  • Sasol olefin & surfactants , a global division of sasol chemical , is the result of integration of the former condea activities and the former sasol alpha olefins activities , after acquisition of condea on march 31 , 2001 by sasol
    沙索烯烃和表面活性剂是沙索化学的全球性分支机构,是沙索公司2001年3月31日收购德国康迪雅化学有限公司后,将前康迪雅与前沙索a -烯烃的业务相结合的产物。
  • First , we may acquaint the new model of global economy development and the new model of global division ; second , we may acquaint the role of the different corporations , the challenge and the route of entering the global competition . third , we may acquaint the role , problem and strategy when the developing countries are facing the new global economy system . and last , china is a big developing country
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